Recreation Skills Testing Information

2 May by Eastern Gymnastics Academy

Dear Parents,

Welcome to EGA – please find below important information in regards to Recreation Skills testing at Eastern Gymnastics Academy.

Recreation Skills testing is basically to allow coaches to be able to track gymnasts progression throughout their gymnastics pathway. This tracking can allow students to move into Competitive Gymnastics or move up to the next colour (not class as our recreation classes are divided into Year groups at school not ability). Each Recreation class from Beginner, Intermediate and Gym Skills have 3 levels as we identify these levels into colours.

KINDER STARS Pre-school students who will be attending school the following year – Pass mark 68/100
Monkey – Preschool
Tiger – Preschool
Lion – Preschool

BEGINNER RECREATION Kindergarten to year 1 – Pass mark 68/100
Yellow – New Kindergarten Students 2024
Red – Year 1 Students 2024
Blue – Kindergarten and Year 1 students to be assessed for SQUAD 1 & 2

INTERMEDIATE RECREATION Year 2 to Year 3 – Pass mark 68/100
Green – New Year 2 students 2024
Orange – Year 3 Students 2024 (Eligible for Gym Skills)
Pink – Year 2 to be assessed for SQUAD 2 OR PRE SQUAD 3 / Year 3 to be assessed for Gym Skills

GYM SKILLS & BOYS GYMNASTICS – Students with Experienced or have progressed from Intermediate Recreation – Pass mark 68/100
Bronze – Year 3 only
Silver Year 3 only
Gold Year 3 only

Gymnasts from year 4 to Year 12 will be tested in a level equivalent to our Squad Level classes. Gymnasts can move quicker through their levels as long as they pass. The level system is called “Stages” they will have a series of Stage 1-10. Stage 1 being Level 1, stage 2 – Level 2, Stage 3 Level 3 and so. Gymnasts in Stage 4 and above can pass if spotting/help is required, they will progress and have a sense of achievement.

Our dedicated recreation Coaches conduct assessments on all students to ensure they are placed in the correct Class, Colour, or Stage. This is their time to shine! This is not a competition event. And don’t forget, our classes are organised by school year groups, not just ability levels. Within your child’s class, there are three different levels to cater to everyone’s unique journey.

For our Advance/Teen Gym program, get ready for an exciting adventure through our 10 stages of learning and fun!

At EGA is gearing up to provide an insightful report card tracking your child’s progress and development throughout Term 1. This initiative is designed to celebrate achievements, recognises hard work, and promote continuous improvement.

Upon completion and passing of the Colour or Stage, parents will receive a notification on your child’s progress in a detailed report card format. It’s a fantastic way to see how far your child has come!
You can also keep up to date on the ICP app!

For those students selected to join our Competitive program, keep an eye on your inbox for a special invitation coming your way soon. Please note that participation in this program will involve exciting new challenges and opportunities for growth.

Please note if your child has been selected, it will involve the following:

-Change of training days
-Increase in hours
-Increase in training days

Please see colour list below for: Pass score 68/100 to move through the colours and stages.

To view which stage or colour your child is currently enrolled in and their colour/stage they will participate in the upcoming Skills testing, please use the link below:

Students progress chart

Merchandise order Link:

Please download your parent portal app to receive results :

We can’t wait to see all the amazing accomplishments ahead for your child!


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